Blurred Vision

Eye Strain

Vision Loss

Improve your visual performance

Reduce eye strain

Strengthen...the cells...of your eyes

Learn 3 ways you can protect your eye health

I remember my son calling me... He asked me what I was doing.

I said, “I’m having a nervous breakdown.”

And he asked why, and I just started crying, and I said:

“I can’t see.”

Those were the words a patient of mine I’ll call Elizabeth.

She was only 64 years old... but by the time she came to see me, Elizabeth had lost about 70% of her vision.

The first eye doctor she had gone to see told her she would have to give up driving, and in a short time, would no longer be able to read.

Reading books was Elizabeth’s favorite hobby... so when I first met her, she was terrified.

She felt like her life was over.

But now, just a few months later... thanks to a lot of hard work that has led to some remarkable breakthroughs...

Elizabeth has hope once again.

In fact, so do millions of other people just like her.

Elizabeth is one of the nearly 10 million Americans to have been diagnosed with Age-related Macular Degeneration, or AMD.

AMD is the leading cause of vision loss among Americans over 65.

For reasons I’ll explain in just a moment, this problem is only getting worse...

The number of people with AMD is expected to double by the year 2050.

There is no cure for AMD...

But now... for the first time...

An exciting new method has been developed...

Designed to protect your eyes, and give them the tools they need to regain and improve their health.

In fact, this solution I’m about to share with you can help the majority of those suffering from age-related vision troubles... as it has the potential to:

Strengthen the cells of the eye

Improve visual performance

Improve vision in dim lighting

Reduce symptoms of eye strain and headaches

Improve quality of sleep

My name is Dr. Gary Ganiban...

And today, I want to talk to you about this breakthrough method I am honored to have been a part of developing...

Building on the work of many amazing advancements taking place over the last two decades in the field of eye health.

Already, I’ve had patients tell me this method has strengthened their eyes... improved their vision... and, most importantly...

Given hope back to thousands of people suffering from the threat of vision loss...

Now, I want to invite you to join them.

In this brand new presentation, I’m also going to tell you what you should and should not be eating to give your eyes the best chance of staying healthy...

Finally – and this is crucial – I’m going to reveal the one thing you should start doing the minute you finish watching this video to start improving your eye health immediately.

So make sure you watch all the way to the end – without skipping around, so you don’t miss it – so you can start fighting back against this problem today.

If you are dealing with any degree of vision loss...

If your vision has become blurry, or fuzzy... or if dark spots have started to appear, no matter how small...

Even if you think your vision is perfectly fine... but you are over the age of 60... have a history of vision problems in your family...

Or just want to make sure you’re doing everything you can to protect the health of your eyes...

Then you need to hear what I’m about to tell you.

Because just like my patient Elizabeth... once you lose your sight...

It can feel like you’ve lost everything.

Today, I am the Head of the Retina Center and Director of Research at the prestigious Eye Institute for Medicine and Surgery in Melbourne, Florida.

I am a member of 9 professional medical organizations... like the American Board of Ophthalmology, and the National Board of Medical Examiners.

Recently, I developed a new device, known as the Ganihand, that enhances efficiency in retinal surgery and comprehensive eye examinations.

This cutting edge device is now being developed for use by eye physicians in the United States and all over the world.

My destiny to become an eye doctor began long ago, when I was just a teenager working a summer job at a chemical plant in Pennsylvania.

My job was to unload tankers of industrial chemicals from delivery trucks, and transfer them to giant, 55 gallon drums with a special hose (like the ones you use to pump gas).

Well, one day, a hose burst, and I was sprayed across my face and eyes with a highly toxic chemical called Solvent 150.

This stuff was really powerful... it can burn through your clothes... in fact, that’s exactly what it did to me!

Before I knew what was happening, my foreman threw me into a detox shower, and wrapped my eyes with bandages.

An ambulance rushed me to the hospital... and during the entire ride there, I was convinced I was blind.

But by the grace of God, what saved my sight was my hair...

This was the 70’s, after all... so I wore it pretty long.

My hair just so happened to have been hanging down over my eyes when the accident occurred...

And so even though it was completely singed...

My eyes were protected.

When they took off that bandage in the hospital, I started crying...

I had never been so happy to see the world around me.

And in fact, from that day forward, I was inspired to help other people have that same feeling.

In an instant... I had found my calling.

You see, on that fateful day, I found out first hand how scary it is to be faced with losing your sight...

Which is why I dedicated my life to helping folks in that same position.

So far, I’ve been pretty successful at it.

I was one of the first Retina Specialists in the United States to begin treating Macular Degeneration patients with intraocular Avastin,

Avastin was and remains a breakthrough injection treatment that has improved the vision and lives of many patients who suffer from AMD.

That was back in 2005...

What I want to tell you about today is a very different kind of breakthrough...

But one I am just as excited about... if not more.

Because it doesn’t require an injection, or even a prescription. In fact, you can do it yourself, right in your own home... and it only takes a minute or two.

To understand how it works, however... we first need to understand how AMD itself works.

So let’s quickly break down Age-related Macular Degeneration, starting with a simple question:

What is the macula, and what does it do?

The macula is the central, most sensitive part of the retina, which is located at the back of your eye.

It’s made up of millions of light-sensing cells that provide sharp, central vision.

These cells turn light into electrical signals, which are then send those signals through the optic nerve to the brain...

Where they are translated into the images we see.

When the macula is damaged, however, the center of your field of vision can appear blurry... distorted... or completely dark.

So then, next question...

How does the macula get damaged?

There are two distinct forms of AMD:

“Wet” and “Dry”

Only about 10-15% of AMD cases are classified as Wet Macular Degeneration.

In these instances, fluid from new blood cells forming beneath the retina begin to leak, break open and bleed...

It’s this fluid that damages the macula and results in vision loss.

Wet AMD can happen rather suddenly, and can lead to more serious vision loss...

However, the vast majority of AMD cases – about 85-90% – are the “dry” kind.

Dry AMD is much more a result of wear and tear over time...

The eyes are one of highest metabolic areas in body... there’s a lot of cellular activity that goes on there...

And this activity from just normal, everyday vision processes results in cellular debris...

It’s this debris that may build up and causes yellowish spots called drusen to appear in the macula.

This causes a slow, gradual blurring or “browning out” of the central field of vision.

It may not be as scary as Wet AMD, because it takes much longer to occur, and for a person to realize what is happening...

But in the end, Dry AMD can be just as devastating...

As you begin to notice words in books, and the faces of loved ones, literally fade away in front of your eyes.

So why do people get AMD?

There are a number of risk factors for Age-related Macular Degeneration...

Some of them are definitive, and some of them still need to be studied, so we can learn more about their origin.

As you could probably guess, this is a problem that occurs primarily with older people – beginning around the age of 40.

Now granted, 40 isn’t what I would consider “old” (although my kids might disagree)...

But believe it or not, 1 in 14 people over the age of 40 suffers from AMD.

For those over 60, that number jumps to 1 in 8...

And for seniors over 80, a whopping 1 in 3 people suffer from Age-related Macular Degeneration.

So clearly, we know the chances of suffering vision loss from AMD increase as we get older.

We also know that, for whatever reason, people of European descent and women are more prone to develop AMD than others.

It is also believed that there is a genetic component to AMD... that it may run in certain families.

But beyond the genes you’re born with and how long you live...

We also know there are certain lifestyle factors that can put you at higher risk for developing AMD.

For example...

Smoking has shown to be a major AMD risk factor.

In one British study, smoking was found to be directly associated with about 25% of AMD cases resulting in severe vision loss.

In another study published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology in 2006, researchers found that even people simply living with a smoker double their risk of developing AMD...

This is something to keep in mind if you smoke around family members... or if they smoke around you.

Obesity is another critical factor in developing vision problems.

According to a study reported in Archives of Ophthalmology, overweight patients with AMD had more than double the risk of developing advanced forms of macular degeneration compared with people of normal body weight.

High blood pressure is a health problem commonly associated with being overweight...

And now, the journal Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science reports the results of a European study that shows high blood pressure may be directly associated with the development of AMD.

Some scientists believe that overexposure to sunlight may also be a risk factor for AMD... although this theory has not been proven conclusively yet...

However, in my opinion, there are already more than enough reasons we know about to avoid too much time in the sun...

So add this one to the list. I always tell my patients to wear sunglasses as much as possible when outdoors – even on a cloudy day!

Now, there’s one more risk factor that is very important for us to talk about...

Because as I mentioned... the number of people who suffer from Age-related Macular Degeneration is expected to double by the year 2050...

And I believe this one thing has a lot to do with it.

I’m talking about...


Blue light is the type of light that is emitted from electronics like TV screens, iPads, computers, and cell phones...

As well as indoor energy-efficient light bulbs...

And the blue light I am talking about has a much higher level of energy than natural sunlight.

What this means is that blue light penetrates deeper into the eye... all the way back to the macula...

Which may cause inflammation of retinal cells... and gradually, over time, severely damage the macula, leading to vision loss.

Even short-term exposure to blue light may cause symptoms of eye fatigue, eye strain, and headaches...

Which is something all of us have experienced at one time or another when staring at a screen for too long.

Now, I’m sure you’ve noticed how dependent we’ve all become on our devices these days...

Our mothers used to warn us that spending too much time in front of the TV would hurt our eyes...

But now, most people aren’t just watching TV – they’re staring at screens all day long!

In fact, the average American adult spends a whopping 9½ hours a day in front of a media screen.

More than half of all Americans have a laptop...

88% of us have a smart phone...

And by the year 2020... less than two years from now... 90% of all indoor light sources will be blue light.

And while all this blue light may be making our lives more convenient...

In my professional opinion, it is doing great damage to our eyesight.

In fact, we don’t even know the extent of the damage we’re doing to ourselves...

There hasn’t been enough time yet to perform a truly comprehensive long-term study...

So it very well may be worse than the experts are currently predicting.

And believe me... I am well aware that you are watching this message on a blue light screen right now...

Which is why I strongly recommend that when this video is finished, you step away from your screen for at least an hour, to give your eyes a rest...

And then put yourself on what I call a blue light budget going forward.

Try to cut your screen time in half, if possible. Don’t dawdle on social media. Go to the store to shop, instead of browsing on Amazon...

Make an effort to read more books instead of watching TV.

Trust me... exposing your eyes to all this blue light may be dangerous...

And the question of just how dangerous it is for our eyesight remains unknown... for now...

However... as an eye specialist... I am making an exception to allow you to keep watching this video until the end...

Because the solution for strengthening your eyes I am about to share with you will be more than worth the next few minutes of screen time.

Now, before I go any further, I must make one thing perfectly clear...

There is no cure for AMD.

That’s important to remember, so let me say it again:

There is no cure for Age-related Macular Degeneration.

That means what I’m about to tell you is not a cure... and neither is anything else anyone tries to tell you about.

What this is, however... is a new way to give your eyes... and more specifically, the macula within your eyes... the tools they need to protect your vision.

To illustrate how it works, I want to briefly go over what you should and should not be eating to improve your eye health...

Because if you take this simple dietary advice... which you can easily start doing today, as soon as this video is over you will be doing your eyes a giant favor.

If you combine these tips with this solution...

You will be giving yourself the best possible odds of maintaining and improving your vision.


First, I want to tell you what not to eat if you want your vision to stay strong... and that is...

Junk Food

Now, it may seem obvious to hear that junk food is bad for you... and it is obvious, at least when it comes to weight gain, heart disease and diabetes...

But recently, a major study published in the medical journal Archives of Ophthalmology found a link between junk food and AMD...

Making junk food the first definitive risk factor for macular degeneration other than smoking cigarettes.

ABC News’s Dr. Nancy Snyderman told Good Morning America:

“What’s important about this study is that it shows for the first time, a link between diet and this problem.”

So what do I mean by “junk food”?

I’m talking specifically about highly processed, store-bought snack foods:



Packaged cakes

Basically, anything you would buy at a grocery or corner store that comes in a plastic wrapper or a bag...

That you would snack on between meals.

The reason is because the vast majority of these junk foods contain specific types of “bad fats” that may accelerate macular degeneration.

These are the types of fats – as well as chemicals and preservatives – that the body can’t easily process...

So instead of getting burned as energy, they get stored away all over the body, gunking up our system.

Because the blood vessels of the eye are so tiny, they can easily get blocked and clogged up by fatty deposits.

When that happens, the surrounding tissue gets less oxygen... experiences more inflammation... and starts to die off...

Which is what leads to vision problems.

Like I said... it’s no secret that these junky snack foods can cause weight gain...

Which is why they now come in a whole new variety of lower calorie, so called “healthy” alternatives.

But most of these snacks that you see on the supermarket shelf still use these bad fats and other chemicals to make them last months – even years – longer than fresh food...

So even if weight is not a concern, your eyesight is.

Now, if you feel like it might be too difficult to give up these snack foods entirely... don’t worry. I totally understand...

Even cutting back a little bit will help... especially if you combine that with the solution I’ve developed that I’m going to tell you about in just a minute.

Also by reducing your consumption of these processed cookies, cakes and chips...

Don’t be surprised if you notice yourself slimming down a bit, in addition to strengthening your eyesight.

So when it’s time for a snack, have a piece of fruit, or nuts (ideally the ones that aren’t processed and sold in cans).

You can find fresh nuts at the farmers market, or in those self-serve cylinders at most grocery stores.

They’re a little bit more expensive... but more than worth it given that the alternative could be sacrificing your sight!

Now, the good news from that landmark junk food study is that the researchers discovered one food that is great for your eyes...


In analyzing the data of the 349 participants in this study, scientists discovered that certain “oily” fish – such as albacore tuna and salmon...

Had the opposite effect on the risk of AMD that junk food did.

And another study found that eating oily fish reduced the risk of AMD by half.

In fact, I like to call fish the “anti-junk food.”

That’s because these particular fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids...

Commonly referred to as “good fats.”

Omega-3’s help strengthen the retina – which contains the macula – in the back of the eye.

They can also help prevent dry eyes, which is another common complaint many of my patients have.

I recommend eating fish at least 2-3 times a week.

I hear from a lot of people who are scared off from eating fish because of mercury concerns...

But in my professional opinion, those fears are overblown. You would have to eat an awful lot of low quality fish to worry about getting mercury poisoning...

So having wild-caught salmon or tuna a few times a week should be no problem.

Try and choose wild-caught fish over farm-raised, because farm-raised fish tend to have fewer omega-3’s and more saturated fat (which is a “bad fat”).

Another great food for eye health is the spice Turmeric.

For thousands of years in Eastern cultures, Turmeric has been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent for all sorts of health problems...

Arthritis. Heartburn. Stomach pain. Skin infections. Acne.

The list is endless.

That’s because so many health issues we suffer from are associated with inflammation.

We tend to think of inflammation as something we can see – like a rash...

Or feel – like joint pain...

And while those two things are definitely good examples of inflammation...

It really is much more than that.

Inflammation occurs any time your body has to fight back against any sort of problem.

It’s your immune system at work, providing a biological response to try and fix whatever’s wrong.

But this response can produce chemical toxins, like free radicals...

And if this goes on for too long, it can cause even more problems in the body – worse than the original problem the inflammation showed up for in the first place!

Scientists believe this is what’s happening with AMD...

That the inflammation that occurs from clogged blood vessels in the retina... or powerful blue light damaging cell tissue...

This actually accelerates the deterioration of the macula... which leads, of course, to vision loss.

So Turmeric is a wonderful addition to the diet, because it contains extremely potent antioxidants, which fight back against those free radicals, helping to soothe and relieve a lot of that inflammation...

And helping to strengthen the delicate cells of your macula responsible for your central vision.

If you cook, try to include Turmeric in some of your recipes. It’s got a sharp, zingy flavor I think you’ll enjoy.

Or, you could always add a Turmeric supplement to your diet... so you make sure you get a potent daily dose of this amazing, natural anti-inflammatory agent.

Now, there’s one more food that’s incredibly important for the health of your eyes you should be eating every single day...

And it is actually the main component of the revolutionary solution I’m here to tell you about today.

And that is...

Dark Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens... like kale and spinach... are vision superfoods because they contain two vital nutrients named lutein and zeaxanthin.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are powerful types of antioxidants called carotenoids...

And these two carotenoids are the only ones found in the macula of the human eye.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are not produced naturally by the human body... we need to get these nutrients from our diet...

Which makes Dark Leafy Greens the single most important thing you should eat every day for your eyesight...

Because they are the best source of lutein and zeaxanthin...

The nutrients found in your macula.

And now... it’s been scientifically proven just how crucial lutein and zeaxanthin are for healthy vision...

And the story of how we discovered this is pretty fascinating.

You see, back in 2001, the National Eye Institute published a huge study called the Age-Related Eye Disease Study... otherwise known as AREDS.

The scope of this study was massive: 4,757 people between the ages of 55-80...

And it tested the effectiveness of a dietary supplement containing 5 nutrients scientists knew were good for eye health.

The supplement contained:

Vitamin C

Vitamin E




The results were a huge success.

Those people who were considered at high risk for developing AMD were found to have lowered that risk by a substantial 25%.

“This is an exciting discovery because, for people at high risk for developing advanced AMD, these nutrients are the first effective treatment to slow the progression of the disease,” said Paul A. Sieving, M.D., Ph.D., director of

the NEI, at the time the results were published.

“They will play a key role in helping people at high risk for developing advanced AMD keep their vision.”

The formula used in this study became known as the AREDS formula... and was widely marketed as the premiere supplement for eye health...

Because this was the first known source of natural vision protection.

But then... the National Eye Institute conducted a second 5-year study...

And here’s where it gets interesting.

This time, the researchers removed beta-carotene... which is a different type of carotenoid found in carrots and other orange and yellow vegetables.


Well... not only is beta-carotene not found in the macula...

But several other studies had revealed that among smokers, beta-carotene had been associated with a higher risk of lung cancer.

And since smoking is a proven risk factor for AMD... reducing this risk became especially important.

So instead of beta-carotene, the scientists included lutein and zeaxanthin... which as you know, are found in the macula...

And the results were even better.

“When we looked at just those participants in the study who took an AREDS formulation with lutein and zeaxanthin but no beta-carotene, their risk of developing advanced AMD over the five years of the study was reduced by about 18

percent, compared with participants who took an AREDS formulation with beta-carotene but no lutein or zeaxanthin,” said Emily Chew, M.D., and NEI deputy clinical director.

On top of the 25% risk reduction the original AREDS formula showed...

The results of this second study suggested even more protection with the addition of lutein and zeaxanthin.

The formula from this new study – dubbed AREDS2 – immediately became the new gold standard for vision supplements.

For the last several years, eye doctors such as myself have been recommending the AREDS2 formula for any patient at risk of developing vision problems...

Which, to be perfectly frank, is anyone over 40 with a family history of eye problems...

Anyone who is overweight...

Anyone who spends much time in the sun...

And anyone who spends more than a couple hours a day exposed to the blue light of computer, TV, and cell phone screens.

As you can probably figure... that covers just about everybody!

In the opinion of the vast majority of eye doctors – myself included – the AREDS2 formula has been the best way to give your eyes the nutrients they need to maintain healthy vision as they grow older...

Until now.

That’s because, working with a cutting edge laboratory here in central Florida, my research team and I have designed the first significant improvement upon the 2011 AREDS2 formula...

And I am proud to announce this truly is the next step in eye health.

There are 3 major areas of improvement we accomplished with this breakthrough formula...

First... instead of including generic lutein and zeaxanthin individually...

We used a sophisticated new ingredient called Lutemax 20/20.

Lutemax 2020 is a premium lutein with enhanced levels of zeaxanthin isomers in a precisely balanced 5:1 ratio, which is how it’s found in natural dietary sources...

And contains significantly higher levels of zeaxanthin isomers than other lutein ingredients.

When we looked at this balance of lutein of zeaxanthin, I was impressed, and here’s why:

So many nutrients rely on each other to work effectively... but they only really work if you have the right combinations of them.

This is where so many supplement designers go wrong...

Too much or too little of one ingredient, and you simply won’t get the benefits you’re looking for.

For example... most store-bought Vitamin C only contains the main component of Vitamin C, which is called ascorbic acid... and is produced synthetically, in a lab.

But real Vitamin C is made up of much more than just ascorbic acid. It contains enzymes, coenzymes, and a lot of other little parts it needs to do its job.

So unless you buy whole food Vitamin C... the way it exists in nature...

Just taking ascorbic acid on its own... the way most Vitamin C is sold... really isn’t going to do you very much good.

That’s the beauty of Mother Nature... she provides the nutrients we need in exactly the right balance to work...

And that’s also the beauty of Lutemax 20/20...

It contains the perfect balance of lutein and zeaxanthin, the way they exist together in natural foods like dark leafy greens.

But what made this ingredient even more of a no-brainer was the fact that it had been clinically tested... and showed such strong results.

In a 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in young, healthy subjects...

Lutemax 20/20 supplementation resulted in a significant thickening of the protective layer of carotenoids in the macula in as little as 8 weeks...

The layer of cells in the eye responsible for central vision literally got stronger.

And as important for vision as that is... what really sold me was yet another study:

The B.L.U.E. Study

B.L.U.E. stands for Blue Light User Exposure...

And as you may have guessed, this study measured how well Lutemax 20/20 combatted the harmful effects of blue light.

In fact, the B.L.U.E. study is the first of its kind to demonstrate how these macular carotenoids support visual function and reduce the other symptoms of prolonged screen time...

Including sleep quality, eye strain and fatigue, and headache frequency.

This was a 6-month randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in young healthy subjects exposed to 6 hours per day of screen time.

The results showed that carotenoid layer thickness of the macula...

As well as indicators of visual performance, and symptoms resulting from prolonged blue light exposure (headache frequency, eye strain, eye fatigue and sleep quality)...

All significantly improved.

Incredibly, the B.L.U.E. study demonstrates a direct link between lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation...

And their protective qualities against persistent blue light exposure...

Which is a dangerous, growing risk factor in age-related vision loss.

So using Lutemax 20/20 over everyday, run-of-the-mill lutein and zeaxanthin, was the first area of improvement over the proven AREDS2 formula.

The second improvement was including Turmeric.

In my opinion, this natural antioxidant was a no-brainer to put into this formula.

In fact, the main component of Turmeric – Curcumin – has already shown to help alleviate inflammation in other eye disorders...

And as I mentioned, Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years.

The National Eye Institute used copper and zinc in their AREDS formula... and both are important for eye health...

But having said that, zinc and copper possess only a fraction of the antioxidant power Turmeric has.

Amazingly, many researchers may have missed some of these studies, because they were relatively small, and didn’t get a lot of press...

But when I went back and checked the data, I was blown away at how effectively Turmeric performed.

That’s why by including it in this formula, we dramatically boosted the anti-inflammatory capabilities required to relieve the inflammation present in many different vision problems – not limited to just AMD.

Finally, the third improvement we made – and this may be my favorite – is in the delivery system of the formula.

As a retina specialist, I’ve treated over 2,000 people a year for macular degeneration... for 25 years... and counting...

And most of them already take multiple pills for everything, and hate doing it...

So when they hear about taking another pill, they groan in frustration.

That’s telling – because the less you like doing something, guess what?

The less likely you are to do it.

That’s why when we designed our formula, we decided to do something different.

Introducing the first AREDS2-compliant supplement to come in powder form...


Instead of taking another pill... now you can just “sip your sight.”

Simply mix one scoop of OcuVision into a glass of water every morning, and enjoy the refreshing tropical citrus taste of the only beverage specifically designed to enhance your vision.

The nutrients in OcuVision have been scientifically tested and shown to:

Strengthen the macula (the area of the retina responsible for central vision)

Protect overall eyesight

Improve visual performance

Improve vision in dim light

Reduce symptoms of blue light exposure (such as headaches, eye strain and poor sleep)

Relieve inflammation associated with vision problems

OcuVision is an AREDS2-compliant formula...

Meaning it contains all of the ingredients used in the landmark 2011 study that showed to significantly reduce risk factors for AMD:

Lutein and Zeaxanthin (combined in the breakthrough ingredient Lutemax 20/20)

These are the two plant-based carotenoids found in the macula that are vital for healthy vision.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another powerhouse antioxidant that may help delay or prevent the formation of cataracts.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is also thought to have a positive effect on eye health, especially cataract formation.

In a study at the National Epidemiology Program at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center, women who supplemented their diets with Vitamin E for 10 years or more had significantly less cataract progression at the 5-year

follow-up exam.


Acting as an antioxidant, copper encourages the development of flexible connective tissue for proper eye structure.

5. Copper binds with Zinc, and the two should be taken together... which is the primary reason why zinc was a part of the original AREDS formula.

And now, with the addition of the powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient Turmeric, OcuVision is the eye health solution that is giving so many of my patients newfound hope.

Because while no cure exists for diseases like AMD...

By giving your eyes the nutrients they need to rebuild the macular cells necessary for healthy vision...

And relieving the inflammation surrounding damaged tissue...

You now have the best chance yet to improve your eyesight naturally... from the comfort of your own home... without ever having to visit a doctor or undergo a painful procedure.

Take a moment to think about what that could mean...

It could mean many more years of reading... driving... enjoying movies... and seeing the faces of loved ones...

Without the anxiety and fear of slowly watching all these things literally fade away.

It could mean relief from the blurriness, headaches, and eye strain that builds up after watching television, or working on the computer.

It could mean a better quality of sleep, so you wake up rested and refreshed... thinking and seeing more clearly!

It could mean clearer vision and sharper focus... making you less reliant on eyeglasses to get through the day.

It could mean less frustration with your eyes... and more confidence in yourself as you move effortlessly through the world around you, enjoying all the beauty it has to offer.

Best of all, it could mean renewed hope...

The hope that your eyes will remain healthy all the rest of your days...

The same hope that hundreds of my own patients are already experiencing with this unique formula.

In just a moment, I’m going to tell you how you can join them, so you can start using OcuVision yourself, and enjoy the same vision-strengthening benefits they are...

But before I do, I want to make very clear that OcuVision is not a substitute for seeing an eye doctor, or regular eye exams as recommended by your doctor.

I also want to stress once again that:

OcuVision is not a cure for AMD, or any other disease.

OcuVision does not treat or prevent AMD, either.

In fact, by law, no health supplement can claim to cure, treat, or prevent any disease...

And I am making no such claim.

The goal of any dietary supplement – in fact, the goal of any healthy diet – is to lower your risk factors for health problems, full stop.

And that’s exactly what OcuVision does.

The ingredients in OcuVision give your eyes the nutrients they need to be as healthy as possible, reducing the risk of developing vision problems.

And remember... that risk reduction was as high as 25% in the clinically tested AREDS formula...

And then, another 18% on top of that in the AREDS2 study...

Now, with the addition of Lutemax 20/20... which was shown in the B.L.U.E. study to protect against the harmful effects of blue light...

As well as the anti-inflammatory powerhouse Turmeric...

We’ve made the AREDS2 formula even stronger.

Not only that...

For the first time, we’ve turned this formula into a convenient, delicious powder you can simply stir into a glass of water and drink down.

No more pills to add to your regimen.

When you add them up, these 3 significant improvements:

Lutemax 20/20


Powder delivery system

Make OcuVision the most powerful premiere eye health supplement ever created.

And I haven’t even gotten to the best part yet...

The price.

As you might expect, a sophisticated ingredient like Lutemax 20/20 is quite expensive to produce...

And our lab didn’t skimp on the other ingredients either.

We used only the most premium-sourced Turmeric, Copper, Zinc, and Vitamins E & A...

So when my team came back and told me our retail price was going to be about $100...

I was conflicted.

Here I was, confident we had produced the best eye health supplement you’d be able to find anywhere...

But was it one most people who needed it could afford?

I wrestled with that question for awhile...

And ultimately, after talking to a handful of my patients... I decided the answer was no.

This presented me with quite a dilemma...

What good was the world’s greatest eye formula if it was too expensive for people to use?

On the other hand... I wasn’t willing to sacrifice the quality of the ingredients in the formula.

I wasn’t going to swap out Lutemax 20/20 for the more generic versions of lutein and zeaxanthin...

Not after the amazing results Lutemax had shown in clinical testing.

Because on the flip side... what good is a supplement everyone can afford, if it doesn’t provide the results you need?

I was in a pickle...

But then, after a few more meetings, we hit upon a solution we thought could work.

You see, that $100 retail price was what was quoted to us if we sold OcuVision in stores, like every other eye supplement.


If we took the unconventional step of not selling this formula in stores...

And offered it to people directly... by getting the word out organically, through grassroots marketing like this video you’re watching now...

We could lower the price substantially.

How substantially?

By eliminating the retail middleman, the price of OcuVision plummeted by 25%...

From $100 all the way down to $74.95 for a one month supply.

That number made me breathe a little easier... as I was confident that, when faced with the opportunity to protect the health of their vision...

Most people are happy to pay about $2.50 a day for great eyesight.

After all... we perceive about 80% of our surroundings through our sense of sight...

(As opposed to our senses of smell, touch, taste or hearing, like some other animals do.)

Losing our vision is one of the scariest health issues we can face as we grow older...

So $2.50 a day is truly a small price to pay to give your eyes the tools they need to stay healthy for years to come.


If you happen to be watching this video right now...

You are one of the few who will not have to pay even this price.

Because if you order OcuVision in the next 10 minutes...

We’re going to knock a full third off the retail price...

Meaning you’ll only pay $49.95 for a one month supply of OcuVision!

Again – this special discounted price is for viewers of this video presentation only...

And only if you order in the next 10 minutes.

The reason we’re doing this is because we want people to spread the word about how amazing this new formula is...

And we know the best people to do that are the ones who are truly serious about upgrading their vision and protecting the health of their eyes.

And since you’re here... I’m pretty sure you fit that description.

Am I right?

Now, before you make the decision to try OcuVision for yourself, I want you to know two things:

Your order is 100% refundable through our “See for Free” Guarantee

As a physician, I would never charge a patient who I hadn’t helped in some way...

And so my policy is the same with you.

Simply put, if you’re not satisfied with OcuVision for any reason, you are entitled to a full refund.

It doesn’t matter if you order a one month supply or a six month supply (which allows you to save even more money, by the way)...

If you’re not happy with the way OcuVision strengthens and protects the health of your eyes, within 90 days of receiving your order...

Simply call or email our customer service department, which is located right here in the United States...

And one of our friendly team members will arrange for your credit card to be refunded your full purchase price instantly.

It really is that easy.

The second thing you should know about your order is... if you order OcuVision in the next 10 minutes or less...

You will never pay more than you do today!

Even though this special $49.95 price is not available to regular customers... and will expire after the next 10 minutes...

If you order right now, you will never pay the full retail price should you choose to come back and order more OcuVision in the future.

You will be “locked in” to this special discount price... forever!

That’s my way of saying thank you for spending part of your day with me today...

And to assure you that I’m in this for the long haul.

I don’t just want your business today... but for as long as you’re protecting the health of your eyes...

Which hopefully will be a very long time!

I want to stress that when you place an order for OcuVision...

Using our secure, password encrypted software that 100% protects your personal information...

You’re not just purchasing an amazing supplement...

You’re joining a community.

Millions of people just like you are out there, searching for effective, natural solutions for age-related vision problems...

And I am extremely honored so many of them trust me to guide them.

When you decide to try OcuVision for yourself, you’ll begin hearing from me regularly...

(Although hopefully not too often that you get sick of me!)

You’ll get emails with great tips for what to eat and things to do to keep your eyes healthy and happy...

As well as early access to new products, special sales...

And of course, an open line of communication to me and my team...

So you can always feel comfortable reaching out with any questions or concerns you may have.

Even if you just want to write in and let us know how you’re liking the formula...

Hearing the success stories of the people I’m helping is probably the single most rewarding part of my job.

So please... if you want to try the most sophisticated supplement designed for the long lasting protection of your eye health...

Click the button below to have OcuVision on its way to your door.

Most orders are shipped within 12-15 hours of being placed online...

And, if you decide to stock up and save even more money with one of our larger packages...

We’ll even take care of the shipping cost.

But make sure you order within the next 10 minutes to get this special $49.95 price...

33% off the regular retail price...

And lock yourself in to those savings forever.

Now before we wrap up this presentation, I want you to do me a favor...

I want you to imagine not taking action to protect your eyes here today.

Maybe you finish watching this video and go to a different website... maybe to read an article, or do some online shopping...

Exposing yourself to another 30 minutes of intense blue light... maybe 60 minutes... or more.

Maybe you’ll get hungry in a little while, and snack on something convenient before dinner... like potato chips, or one of those “healthy” energy bars...

Adding just a few more milligrams of “bad fat” to your blood vessels.

Then, before bed, maybe you relax with an hour or two of TV... or binge watch a couple episodes of Netflix...

Exposing yourself to even more blue light...

Before your eyes start feeling tired... and you go off to sleep.

Now believe me... I’m not trying to make you feel bad about any of these activities...

They’re all perfectly normal things to do... things all of us do on a regular basis... myself included.

It simply isn’t realistic to ask you to give up all the foods that might be bad for your eyesight...

Or to never expose yourself to the harmful blue light of computer, television, and cell phone screens again.

After all... in today’s world, that’s simply not possible.

And yet, by doing those things repeatedly...

Gradually, over time... you are putting yourself at greater and greater risk for permanent vision problems... such as Age-related Macular Degeneration.

You might experience a little bit of blurriness or distortion when looking directly at people or things...

Dark little grey spots will begin to form in your central vision that are hardly noticeable at first...

And then, when you do start to notice them... they are more annoying than anything else...

Kind of like a bug you can never get off your windshield.

But over time, those spots begin to grow larger and larger...

Merging together to form one big black hole in the center of your vision.

You can no longer read the words on the pages of a book...

You can no longer see the road clearly, and must give up driving...

You can no longer see the faces of your loved ones when they are right in front of you.

This is the sad reality of what happens when the cells of your macula become damaged.

Sometimes it happens rapidly... more often, it happens gradually...

But for older Americans...

Especially those with a genetic history of vision problems... smokers... those who are overweight... and, as we’ve recently learned...

Those who face consistent exposure to blue light...

The risk of vision loss is growing.

But please know... it does not have to be this way.

I don’t want you to have to experience any of this...

Which is why I became an eye doctor in the first place, all those many years ago.

When I almost lost my sight as a teenager, I became determined then and there to help as many people as I could keep their eyesight as healthy as possible, for as long as possible...

And with this new formula, I think I’ve achieved the greatest opportunity of my career to do just that.

I urge you to do as much as possible to improve your vision naturally.

Cut down on your blue light exposure from cell phones, TV, and your computer.

Try to avoid processed junk food.

Eat more fish... Turmeric... and dark leafy greens.

These are things that will keep not just your eyes healthy... but keep the rest of you healthy, too.

I always tell my patients:

“The healthier you are, the healthier your eyes will be.”

But to truly do everything in your power to protect your eyesight...

To sleep well knowing your eyes have all the nutrients they need to stay healthy...

OcuVision is the breakthrough formula you can trust.

Now do me one last favor...

Imagine seeing the world as it was meant to be seen...

Clearly, sharply, and beautifully... full of light and color... for many years and decades to come.

Imagine enjoying books, movies, driving your car, splendid sunsets, and gorgeous views... all the rest of your days.

Most importantly... imagine seeing the smiling faces of your family and friends...

Hold that image in your mind for a moment...

And know that you never have to let it go.

All of these things are more than possible with OcuVision.

Again, I want to make it very clear that OcuVision does not cure, treat, or prevent any disease... including Age-related Macular Degeneration.

But I also want to make it crystal clear that to be healthy, the cells of the macula in your eyes need certain nutrients.

They need the lutein and zeaxanthin supplied in perfect balance in Lutemax 20/20.

They need Copper, Zinc, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E.

And the strength of your retinal cells will truly be replenished by the inflammation soothing, antioxidant power of Turmeric.

When you deliver these essential nutrients to your eyes... you give yourself the maximum possible protection in terms of preserving your vision in the face of aging.

In fact, the AREDS study that formed the basis of this formula showed these ingredients lowered risk factors for AMD by an astonishing 25%...

Then the AREDS2 study showed the next version of the formula improved results by another 18%...

And by adding Lutemax 20/20 and Turmeric... that formula has only gotten stronger.

There is no need to add another pill to your routine. With OcuVision tropical citrus powder blend, just mix a scoop into a glass of water and “sip your sight!”

There is also no need to worry about whether OcuVision is right for you... as your order is completely protected by our 90-day “See For Free” guarantee.

If you don’t love the way this formula strengthens your vision... protecting your retinal cells from age-related deterioration, and dietary and blue light-related damage...

You are entitled to a full refund. You risk nothing.

What is it worth to you to give your eyes the tools they need to be healthy?

Is it worth $1.67 a day?

Because at this special price... only available to viewers of this presentation... and only during the next 10 minutes...

$1.67 a day is all it will cost.

Think about everything you spend more money on than $1.67 a day...

Are any of them as valuable to you as your sight?

There has never before been an eye health supplement like this one...

And there will never be an opportunity to get it at this price again.

Thanks for spending your time with me today...

Click the button below to try OcuVision for yourself...

And experience the joy of seeing clearly.

This is Dr. Gary Ganiban...

Encouraging you to “drink to your eye health!”

P.S. – Be sure to write in and let me know how OcuVision is working for you, at email. Hearing from the folks I’m helping is one of the greatest honors of my life!

Still trying to decide if you want to give OcuVision a try?

It may be that you still have some questions you’d like answered... so let me take this opportunity to answer some FAQs for you...

Question #1: Tell me how this formula works again?

Here’s the basic idea behind OcuVision...

It’s a revolutionary formula made up of natural ingredients that are proven to strengthen the cells in your eyes responsible for central vision.

The primary ingredient is called Lutemax 20/20, which is comprised of the two plant-based carotenoids – lutein and zeaxanthin – that are found in the macula of your eye.

By strengthening the macula with these necessary nutrients your body can’t make on its own, you can protect your eyes against age-related vision loss.

OcuVision also contains ingredients that were shown to reduce risk factors for vision loss in the landmark AREDS2 study:

Vitamin C

Vitamin A



Then, to improve upon the AREDS2 formula, we also included Turmeric – a powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent that can help soothe the inflammation associated with the cell damage of vision loss.

Taken together in the right ratios, the ingredients in OcuVision give your eyes the best possible chance to stay healthy and seeing clearly for many years to come.

Question #2: Does OcuVision cure or prevent macular degeneration?

The answer is no. OcuVision does not treat, cure or prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD), or any other diagnosable disease.

What it does is give your eyes the nutrients they need for the macula (the area of your retina responsible for central vision) to remain healthy in the face of blue light, dietary factors, and the natural wear and tear of time that

can result in vision problems.

Question #3: How do I use OcuVision?

Simple. Once a day, just mix a scoop of the formula into a glass of water, juice, almond milk, or even a smoothie...and drink it down.

That’s it! No pills to remember (or forget). Just down a glass of our refreshing tropical citrus formula, and you’ll get all the eye strengthening nutrients you need for the day.

Question #4: How many jars should I order?

It’s completely up to you, but if you’re interested in saving the most money, then I highly recommend ordering our 6-jar package.

That’s the option that will allow you to get OcuVision at the lowest possible price. And if you plan on continuing to use OcuVision beyond one month, because you love the way you’re starting to see the world, then there really isn’t

any reason not to stock up and save as much as possible.

Packaged using our special “fresh lock” technology, the formula won’t go bad, as long as it’s stored in a relatively cool, dry place.

Question #5: But what if I get the 6-jar package, and after the first one I decide it’s not for me?

No problem. Just send back your order – used or unused – and you’ll be given a full refund, within 90 days of your purchase. It doesn’t matter if you ordered 1 jar, 3 jars, or 6 jars – they’re all 100% covered under our “See For Free” guarantee.

There’s absolutely no risk to trying OcuVision for yourself today. Click on the button below to get started... and I’ll see you soon!